Curriculum Vitae
Hicham Chami
Born in Tetuan, Morocco, where the mountains of Jebala rise
Lives & works along the New England coastline
Academic Positions
2024 Postdoctoral Associate
Yale Institute for Sacred music
Yale University
2024 Ph.D. Ethnomusicology
Columbia University
Dissertation title: Jebli Music Culture: Soundings from a Moroccan Periphery
2021 M.Phil, Ethnomusicology
Columbia University
2018 Master’s in Ethnomusicology
Columbia University
2014 Master’s in Music
University of Florida
2004 MBA in Strategic Management
DePaul University - Chicago
2000 B.S. in Marketing-Communication
ISCAE (Casablanca, Morocco)
1995 French Baccalaureate
 in Economics (Maths min.)
Lycée Descartes (Rabat, Morocco)
1998 Performance diploma in Qanun

Conservatoire National de Musique et de Danse (Rabat, Morocco)
1997 Western Music Theory Certificate

Conservatoire National de Musique et de Danse (Rabat, Morocco)
Teaching Experience
2019-2023 Instructor: Asian Music Humanities: Musics of
India and West Asia
2020-2021 Instructor: Asian Music Humanities: Musics of East Asia
Spring 2019 Teaching Assistant 
Asian Music Humanities: Musics of East Asia
Fall 2018 Teaching Assistant
 Asian Music Humanities: Musics of India and West Asia
2014 Lecturer in Professional Development Training for Music and Arabic Educators, al-Bustan Seeds of Culture, Philadelphia, PA
2012 - 2014 Guest lecturer, Middlebury Monterey Language Academy Summer Program in Intensive Arabic, Pomona, CA
2011 - 2012 Lecturer for classroom section of “MUH 2501 - Introduction to World Musics,” University of Florida
2011 Lecturer for online section of “MUH 2501 - Introduction to World Musics,” University of Florida
2010 Presented lectures on Arabic music in conjunction with the Seattle Arab Festival
2010 Instructor of Teacher’s course in Arabic music, al-Bustan Seeds of Culture, Philadelphia, PA
2010 Residency at Western Michigan University that involved presenting seminars and multimedia lecture-demonstrations to college students, Kalamazoo, MI
2008 Residency at Bowdoin College for university faculty and professors, Brunswick, ME
2007 Seminar at Ann Arbor’s University Musical Society intended for teachers and educators, Ann Arbor, MI
2007 Residencies at Lewis University and Illinois Valley Community College, which involved presenting seminars and multimedia lecture-demonstrations to college students, Romeoville, IL
2006 Workshop at Tufts University, which involved presenting seminars and multimedia lecture-demonstrations to college students, Boston, MA
2004 - 2010 Designing the curriculum and teaching music history and theory classes at the Heartland Seminars, a nationwide program that attracted college students and professors from around the U.S. and Canada, Racine, WI
2004 - 2005 Teaching high and elementary school classes at dozens of Chicago-area schools through the Urban Gateways program, Chicago, IL
2003 - 2004 Consulting for a multicultural program at Sullivan High School in Rogers Park, Chicago, IL
Professional Experience
Managing Editor, Journal of Arab Music Research
Executive Director, Heartland Seminars (Racine, WI, USA)
Consultant, Arabesque Foundation for Arab Culture (Chicago, IL, USA)
General Manager, Xauen Music, Inc. (Chicago, IL, USA)
2002 - 2005
Member of the Board of Directors, Genesis at the Crossroads (Chicago, IL, USA)
2023 Journal Article
"Confronting Rouanet’s Colonial Gaze: A Critical Reading of ‘La musique arabe dans le Maghreb’”
In: Turath: Algerian Journal of Cultural Anthropology. Volume 2: July-December 2023. p:15-34
2021 Book Review
Inside Arabic Music: Arabic Maqam Performance and Theory in the 20th Century by Johnny Farraj and Sami Abu Shumays. 2019.
Journal of Folklore Research, 2021
2019 Encyclopædia Entries
Encyclopædia Entries: Andalusian Music, Arab Classical Music, Bashir Brothers (Munir & Jamil), Belly Dance, Darbuka, Cheb Khaled, Malhun, Qanun, Rai, Rebab, Riq, Taqsim 
Music around the World: A Global Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, M. Mihalka and A. Martin, eds.
2018 Journal Article
'The Road Less Travelled’: The Moroccan Malḥūn and the Migration of the Andalusian Muwashshaḥ.” In: Itineraria: Travel Accounts and Knowledge of the World from Antiquity to the Renaissance: 83-100.
2018 Book Chapter
Chami, Hicham. 2019. “Pathways of Cultural Influence: The Intersection of the Muwashshah and Malhun in the Moroccan Soundscape.” In Dialogic Configurations in Post-Colonial Morocco, edited by Najib Mokhtari, 259–81. Rabat, Morocco: Université Internationale de Rabat Publications.
2017 Encyclopædia Entries
Advocacy, Anasheed, Egyptian Music, Muwashah, Orientalism, Representation, Research
SAGE Encyclopædia of Ethnomusicology, J. Sturman, Editor. SAGE Publications: London, United Kingdom
2013 Website Review
Archives of Arabic Music 
World of Music (New Series), Vol. ii(1)
2013 Book Review
Thomas Turino, Music as Social Life 
Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 126 (Winter)
Grants & Awards
2023 The American Institute for Maghrib Studies Fellowship
for fieldwork in Morocco
2023 Professor Howard J. Serwer Fund for TALIM conference
in Tangier
2023 Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies
funding for a symposium on Jebli Music
2022 Columbia University Arts & Sciences Equity and Diversity
Grant: Diversity Matters
2018 Columbia Humanities Global Projects grant for ICTM
symposium in Essaouira, Morocco
2017 Jeanne Jeffers Mrad Graduate Student Travel
Award for MESA’s 2017 annual meeting
2017 T. Temple Tuttle Prize for best student paper
presented at Niagara chapter of the SEM
2010 Robert N. and Beverly T. Singer School of
Music Fellowship - University of Florida
2002 Best Instrumentalist” award, Chicago Magazine
1996 Honors Certificate, class of Qanun - National
Conservatory of Music and Dance. Rabat, Morocco)
1994 First Prize, class of Qanun - National Conservatory of
Music and Dance (Rabat, Morocco)"
​2015 Words Adorned: Andalusian Poetry and Music
Kareem Roustom, Kinan Abou-afach with The Crossing, Donald Nally, al-Bustan Takht Ensemble and Dalal Abu Amneh
2015 Words Adorned: Andalusian Poetry and Music (The Concert)
Featured artist with the al-Bustan Takht Ensemble
2013 Rihla: Selections from al-Bustan Concert Series
Featured artist.
2007 al-Fursan at-Talatha
Featured artist, Artistic Director and Producer
2004 Songs of Sayyed Darweesh: ‘Soul of a People’
Featured artist, Executive Director and Producer
2003 Sultana
Featured artist with Yoel Ben-Simhon
2003 A la Una
Featured artist with Sarah Aroeste
2002 Promises
Featured artist and Producer
2002 Verses: Arabic and Jazz Music Fusion
Featured artist with Callen Clarke